How to Start Accumulating MT in NBA 2K25?

How to Start Accumulating MT in NBA 2K25?

In the competitive environment of sports video games, accumulating MyTeam Points (MT) is essential for building a strong team. This article chronicles a player's journey from zero MT to one million MT, emphasizing effective strategies for sniping and trading within the game.

Unlocking the Auction House

The first step in the journey is unlocking the auction house, a critical feature for trading cards. To achieve this, players must reach the "Gold Rep" level by playing games. A recommended approach is to win three games of domination on the easiest difficulty setting, which expedites the process of unlocking the auction house.

Initial Strategies for Accumulating MT

Once the auction house is unlocked, players can begin their sniping journey. The following steps outline effective strategies for accumulating MT:

  • Quick Selling Unused Items: Players should review their collections and quick sell any unnecessary cards, including gold, silver, and bronze items, as well as injury cards. This initial step can provide a quick boost to MT.
  • Utilizing the Amethyst Filter: Starting with a budget of around 10,000 MT, players can use the Amethyst filter to find valuable cards. For instance, purchasing an Anthony Davis card for 4,000 MT that sells for 24,000 MT exemplifies the potential profit from strategic sniping.
  • Monitoring Card Prices: Players should consistently check the prices of cards in their collections. For example, a playbook card sold for 8,000 MT contributed to reaching a total of 40,000 MT.

Expanding Sniping Techniques

As players accumulate MT, diversifying sniping techniques becomes crucial:

  • Sapphire Gems of the Game Filter: This filter allows players to find cards priced lower than their market value. For example, acquiring cards for 1,000 MT and selling them for around 5,000 MT showcases the effectiveness of this strategy.
  • Enabled Snipe Filters: By filtering out cheaper cards, players can focus on higher-value cards, increasing their chances of making significant profits.

Achieving Milestones

Reaching milestones, such as 100,000 MT, is a significant achievement in this journey. Players can celebrate these milestones through in-game achievements, which often provide additional motivation to continue sniping and trading.


The journey from zero to one million MT is not only about luck but also involves strategic planning, market awareness, and effective trading techniques. By following the outlined strategies, players can enhance their gaming experience and build a formidable team without spending real money. The key takeaway is to remain vigilant in the market, continuously refine sniping techniques, and leverage every opportunity for profit.


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